Desert Bloom CC participated in “Talk on Democracy in EuroMed”, an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project held in Scilla, Reggio Calabria, from 5 -11 November 2018.
Building stronger democracies starts with youth, therefore, this project aimed at empowering young people to make positive changes. They realized the fundamental democratic right of participation. They increased their knowledge and skills to actively engage in decision-making at local and national level, tackle societal concerns and promote democracy and human rights. Also, young participants were able to practice many none-violent conflict resolution techniques.
The participants included youth from Italy, Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Lebanon, Poland, Palestine and Jordan. The Jordanian participants came from different parts of Jordan (South: Al Badiah, Maan, North: Irbid and middle: Salt and Amman).
Mamoun Khreisat
Regional Coordinator, URI Middle East and North Africa