Three short movies have been created over the last five days in Mafraq. URI MENA and our Cooperation Circle “Association for Widows and Orphans” organized a training course on “filming with the smartphone” and “video editing” with eight talented people. On the first two days, participants learned about different angles, about filming rules and the concept of “storytelling”. On the third day, the group themselves identified important topics, that play a crucial role within their community. Out of many ideas, three topics have been selected by them, in order to make a movie about. Throughout the second part of the training, the different film teams were shooting scenes for their movies and edited them afterwards.
On the last day, friends and families of the participants joined us in Mafraq for the official film screening. Certificates were handed over to the participants for their impressive success and contribution throughout this filming course.
The first movie deals with daily common harassment situation that some women in Mafraq are facing. It is an experimental, creative short film, based on interviews with four women and men.
Drug addiction is the topic of the second movie. The team decided to shot a fictional story. However, cases like this may happen in reality in Jordan. The short film raises awareness about how dangerous the consumption of drug is and to what dramatic causes it can lead.
Last but not least, a documentary about child labor has been filmed. It addresses the common issue in Mafraq of children working in the street – even though it is illegal.