International Day of Peace in Bahrain

In honoring the International Day of Peace, Together SAFE CC in Bahrain conducted an online webinar on E Peace, the role of youth to shape peace through technology.

Remarkable speakers contributed to discussions on the role of youth in spreading positive messages and reinforcing peace within the community through the mean of Information and communication technology.

The webinar stressed the fact that information and communication technology advance at a very intense pace and have significantly altered how violent extremism develop and plays out. On the other hand, technology innovation has empowered individuals and impacted how peacebuilders could prevent and counter hatful speeches and behavior.

The webinar achieved the following aims:
– Examined the importance of information and communication technology in driving international security and shaping peace/ E-peace.
– Highlighted the important role of youth as peacebuilders to cultivate a culture of religious freedom and peaceful co-existence within the community by supporting positive social change and promoting cohesive, inclusive, peaceful and tolerant messages through the usage of a variety of information and communication technology.
– Shed light on the importance of innovation technology to combat violent-extremism and hatful speeches.

Below link leads to the full recording of the webinar: